9 January 2021

15 min readJan 10, 2021
Official Global Reserve Exchange (OGRE)

3:54 PM.

So, I’ve written about writing fiction on this blog before, and this much has become clear to me: It seems that I enjoy writing about fictional worlds, rather than writing stories within those fictional worlds.

So, in this blog post, I’m going to write about a fictional world that I’ve been creating, and perhaps someday I’ll publish a novel or something of a story within this fictional world.

But, until then, I’m just gonna write about it. But why am I writing this on my blog? Why am I publishing this for all the world to see?

Because, well, I have this weird mental thing, which I can’t seem to figure out, nor seem to change… and that weird mental thing is this notion that, if something isn’t immediate relevant, I can’t really find the motivation to work on it.

In other words, I need to work in real-time in order to feel like my work is meaningful and thus be motivated to actually work on my work work work work work work… shoutout to Rihanna and Drake.

So, yeah. I’ve found that if I just publish my work (almost immediately or instantaneously; and even actually immediately and instantaneously, when I stream on Instagram Live or YouTube Live or Twitch TV, etcetera), then I have much more motivation to actually continue working.

Whereas, when I don’t publish my work (almost) immediately, I start to feel… disconnected, irrelevant, lonely in the work.

I guess I just like sharing stuff. I want my work to be an ongoing conversation, not something I slave away at by myself for days upon days upon days and then release to the world.

My friend Zane recommended that I write Flash Fiction. No, that’s not the right name for it. What is it called? It’s this kind of fiction where, every few days or every week or whatever, the author releases a new chapter of the story. Well, I don’t know if it has a name, but it’s a good idea. I might try that in the near future. If I forget, please remind me.

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

It is now 4:07 PM. I’m feeling a little antsy, so I’m going to do some exercise — yoga, weight-lifting, etcetera — to release some energy. BRB.

4:17 PM. Random thought just occurred to me. Another reason I like publishing my writing immediately is because I like talking to people. When I write and publish in real-time… it’s as if I’m talking to you, the reader.

Only losers go to school.
I taught myself how to move.
I’m not the type to count on you.
Because stupid’s next to “I love you”.

So what can you show me,
that my heart don’t know already?
’Cause we make our own sense,
and you’re qualified to me.

— Lyrics from Losers by The Weeknd featuring Labrinth

5:01 PM.

A beautiful and hilarious quote by Lucky Yates. He tweeted it on the day of the Capitol Attacks in Washington DC.

I should post a vlog on YouTube about my experience with marijuana. The flower has played an interesting role in my life thus far.

5:12 PM.

Cracks create beauty,
and beauty is broken.

5:56 PM.

Oh, yeah, I was gonna write about my fictional universe. I’m making some coffee right now. It’s a little late for coffee… but today feels like a coffee kind of night.

So, anyways, the universe I’m creating is called Universe 1830. First, I’ll explain what exactly this universe is, then I’ll explain why I’m creating this fictional universe.

So, what is Universe 1830?

Well, like I said, it’s, um, a fictional universe. Just like any other universe, it has stories, locations, characters, history, culture, technology, etcetera. You can think of Universe 1830 as a sub-universe of the larger Universe (the Absolutely Infinite Universe). (Or maybe the Universe of all Universes, or something.)

The numbers make it interesting because then you can imagine infinite universes numerically. For example, Universe 1, Universe 2, Universe 3, Universe 40, Universe 50, Universe 60, Universe 700, Universe 800, Universe 900, Universe 1000000 Universe 2000000, Universe 3000000, Universe 4000000000, Universe 5000000000, Universe 6000000000, Universe 7000000000000… I think you get the idea. INFINITE Universes.

And then Universe 1830 is just right there in between Universe 1831 and Universe 1829. (Impressively, pretty close to Universe 1, actually.) (Just kidding, the numbers are arbitrary, simply for labeling purposes.) (Maybe someday I’ll play around with these numbers.)

So, yeah, Universe 1830 is a sub-universe within the larger literally completely infinite Universe.

Universe 1830 has its own canon. And, for now at least, this canon can only be written by me, this individual, Juvoci. Perhaps, in the future, I’ll permit other writers to write within the 1830 Universe. But, for now, I will preserve that right for me alone, for the sake of keeping 1830 a contained project.

Of course, anyone can write fan fiction for Universe 1830, if anyone is so inclined. All such writing will only be part of the “1830 Fan-Fiction Universe” unless I adopt it into the Official Canon.

Get it? Got it? Cool. Moving forward.

Why am I creating this fictional universe?

There’s a few reasons.

1 — Writing fiction is a great way to explore and discuss real world issues. By using fictional locations, places, names, characters, histories, etcetera… I can explore real world issues in a different context and without name-dropping. (But that isn’t to say that I won’t name drop. 😏)

2 — I love writing fiction. Contemporary Fiction, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Fiction, Historical Fiction… it’s all good fun to me! I just love writing, language, ideas, worlds, universes… I just love it.

3 — I can’t think of any more reasons.

6:19 PM.

So, yeah, I guess that’s what and why. Did I miss anything?

Listening to music by Victor Norman right now. It’s like dark and minimal Drum and Bass… or something. Right up my ally, whatever it is. Good stuff.

Oh, another reason I want to create a fictional universe is because this world we live in now is messed up in so many ways. I feel like we, as a global society, need to start telling ourselves a different story about what this world is. We need a new mythology. So I’m hoping that potentially by creating this fiction universe called 1830, we can meld and blend our real-world mythology with this fictional mythology and hence create a new story and context for ourselves and thus create a better Earth.

Like, for example, different “realms” or “planets” in Universe 1830 worship certain pantheons of gods; and we here as humans on Earth can use these gods as symbols and heroes and idols and signposts. These gods can give us motivation and direction.

And later, in this blog, I’ll talk about some of the gods.

But, remember, I’m literally going to be building this universe in real-time, while blogging on the internet… so not everything I write is immediately canon. I might make edits later.

That being said, I am going to create a wikipedia (either on this website or on Fandom or both) which keeps track of the characters, locations, stories, yada yada. So this blog will sort of act as a “sketchbook” for Universe 1830, and the wikipedia will act as a sort of “logbook” for Universe 1830. I’ll elaborate on this further, in the future.

6:32 PM.

💜 This is my favorite heart emoji, by the way. Although, I wish there was a pink one. There is a pink one, but it has some shit on it or something.

7:04 PM.

So, Ora is perhaps the first character I should talk about in Universe 1830, because Ora was the first character I ever created for Universe 1830.

So, who is Ora? Well, Ora is… alot of things, lol. I created him in 2015… so he’s been developed for awhile.

But, yes, Ora is a male, a man, a he. I suppose, that is the first thing you have learned about Ora.

Now, does this mean that Ora has a penis? I don’t know, maybe. At certain points in Ora’s existence, he is a male human… so I suppose that, yes, Ora, at certain points, has a penis.

The only reason I mention that last bit is because of the interesting things happening in pop culture regarding the difference between sex and gender. Honestly, the debate is beyond me. I say, “be whoever you wanna be” and “I’ll call you whatever you wanna be called”. So, yeah, I guess that, when I say “Ora is a male”, I’m basically just saying that he was born with a penis, and likely still has one (assuming he’s in human form). (“Human form?” you’re asking. Yes. Ora has more than one form. I’ll cover this later.)

But, also, I suppose that, when I say “Ora is a male”, I’m also saying that his masculine energy is stronger than his feminine energy. Now, what exactly the difference is between masculine energy and feminine energy is… complicated, and not something I even completely understand. It’s more of a… feeling. Stuff just feels masculine or feminine to me. It’s hard to explain. It’s almost… an emotion. Maybe I’ll dive deeper into this topic another time.

But, let’s get back to Ora. Who is Ora?

7:15 PM.

Like I said before, Ora has multiple forms. So it can get a bit complicated when we talk about what or who Ora is. But I’ll begin from a place of simplicity; when Ora was a human.

(I suppose I should write all of the lore in past tense? As if all the events of Universe 1830 occurred back in the day? Perhaps? Not sure yet.)

Ora was a human in the Realm of Zunora (a realm which has many other names) on Planet Zunora (a planet which has many other names).

Who is Zunora? Zunora is a god / goddess. (Zunora is known to appear in both male and female forms, so I’ll henceforth refer to Zunora as he, she, and they. That being said, Zunora appears most often in her feminine form… so I’ll usually refer to Zunora as female. She tends to reserve her masculine forms for when she needs to be dominating. Deeper voice, bigger frame, etcetera. Classic biological differences.)

(Fuck, I’m writing in present tense now. Whatever, screw worrying about tenses. 😂)

For the sake of convenience, I’ll simply refer to Zunora as a “god”. Honestly, in my mind, “god” can apply to male and female gods. Even distinguishing goddess from god is kind of insulting. They’re all just gods, they’re all just actors, they’re all just princes, etcetera…

So, yeah, Zunora is a God. Zunora is a God of Light. Her colors are yellow (or gold), black, and white. Zunora is a God of Inspiration, Creativity, Radiance, Spark, Lightning, Electricity…

Indeed, Zunora is a God inspired by the Sun. So any (or at least most) of the Sun’s characteristics, are characteristics of Zunora. The name Zunora comes from the English translation of Sun Aura. (I will explain the history of language in the Realm of Zunora at another time, and at that time I will explain exactly what I mean by “English translation”. But, in short, it’s an effort to maintain the “realism” or at least “realistic feeling” of the “fictional” universe.)

That being said, when Zunora was created, she was created to be the aura of the Sun, and not the Sun itself. In other words, Zunora is symbolic of the light surrounding the Sun… but not the literal Sun itself.

Now, you may have noticed that “Ora” and “Zunora” are quite similar in that they both have “ora” in them. Look at you, Einstein! Atta-boy! Ehem. Sorry.

But, yes, Ora is derived from Zunora. (Or, perhaps, Zunora is derived from Ora? Queue the suspenseful music!) Just exactly why Ora is named after Zunora is something I’ll probably cover in a story about Ora. (A story which I’ve already finished some percentage of and I hope to publish someday.)

8:21 PM.

Sorry, got distracted by the news. Watching Reuters videos about the Capitol Attack on January 6. Reuters is a great news source. They are more diverse, (relatively) less biased, and less anxiety-inducing, than other news sources. I highly recommend checking out their videos at reuters.com/video.

It’s amazing how many military factions there are (and have been). The FBI, the Maryland National Guard, the Capitol Police, Antifa, the US Coast Guard, the Red Army, the People’s Liberation Army, the Korean People’s Army… I mean the list goes on and on and on…

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more and more understanding of why militaries exist. Peeps be fucking shit up, and sometimes we need an elite force of trained soldiers to stop the fuck-uppery. That being said, I still think that, at the end of the day, violence isn’t the answer. I still hope and dream for a world without violence. And I think we can achieve it.

I’m a believer! I couldn’t leave her, if I tried!

Then I got the idea: 1830 will be a non-violent military force. We use our minds to inspire change, not physical force. Sounds kinda corny, right? Whatever.

Oh, by the way, 1830 is different from Universe 1830. 1830 is a real-world community, while Universe 1830 is a fictional universe. Hm… this could get confusing. Maybe I should give Universe 1830 a second and more practical name. How about… Fable Union? Sounds good. Universe 1830 is now also called Fable Union. Great.

So, yeah, 1830 is a religion, a non-violent military force, and a… newspaper?! Surprise!

Yes, 1830 is also a media outlet, a digital magazine (and perhaps someday physical), a newspaper.

Sigh… 1830 is alot of things. Lots of potential. But only Time will tell what it truly becomes.

Stop looking at me like that. Yes, I am aware that I’m a little crazy. (Just kidding, I’m 100% sane. Just kidding, I’m not. Just kidding, I am.) (I am.) (Seriously.) (Okay, not that seriously… but… seriously enough.) (Wtf am I talking about?)

8:36 PM. Jeez. I’ve spent like the entire day writing. Cool.

But, yeah, 1830 is a platform for intellectual and political conversation.

Let’s get back to talking about Ora.

8:48 PM.

Maybe I should just continue writing the fictional stories about these characters, instead of explaining it all here, because I feel like… if I keep writing about them in this format, I’ll end up just spoiling the stories… and that’s no fun, right?

But everytime I try writing the fictional stories, I lose motivation, as I mentioned in another recent blog post. Hm…

Fuck it. Let’s talk about something else. I need to think more about how I wanna approach Universe 1830. Sorry for the false alarm! Oops, I mean Fable Union (also known as Universe 1830).

Let’s talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cryptocurrency in general.

Firstly, I wanna post a screenshot. In the Economics Explained Discord (great YouTube channel, highly recommend it), I simply asked this question: Thoughts on Bitcoin (or Cryptocurrency in general)? And I received some pretty interesting responses. Here is one of the most interesting responses I received:

Don’t stare at money too long, it’s Medusa!
— Kanye West

Sorry, just thought of that for some reason. It’s true, though. Yes, what a wise intuition that was! Before we begin talking about cryptocurrency, which is money of course… let us acknowledge that we must not over-indulge in money! Fair warning.

But, yes, let’s go over this interesting response regarding Cryptocurrency.

This Discord user (whom I won’t name, for the sake of privacy… but if you read this, and want me to credit you, let me know), begins by saying a bunch of stuff about oil and Ethereum and petrodollars, but I don’t quite understand what he’s (I’m guessing it’s a dude, because most people on Discord are probably dudes, but I don’t really know for sure) trying to say here. Please let me know if you understand. But, moving on…

Something he says, which is super interesting to me, which is why I exclamation-point-emojied it, is “The whole idea that supply cannot be changed is just false.” And, at first, when he said this, I was like: “Wait, whoa, what? Isn’t one of the major points of Bitcoin that it has a limited and thus scarce supply? But this statement by this anonymous Discord user completely contradicts that.

But then I thought about it… and, wait a second, I think it might be true! What if a government, slowly but surely, built itself around Bitcoin, such that it held Bitcoin as its central currency, and then could export subsidies and import taxes, as it pleased, through Bitcoin, in order to control the supply and demand of Bitcoin.

In other words, control of Bitcoin’s availability, through subsidies and taxes, is essentially synonymous with control of Bitcoin’s supply.

In other words, being able to control Bitcoin’s value, by controlling its availability, is essentially the same as controlling its supply.

See what I’m saying? I’m honestly not sure if I’m making myself clear, or making any sense. It makes sense to me, anyway.

So, in other words, yes, there will (supposedly) only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoins in existence. But manipulation of Bitcoin’s value is about the same as manipulation of Bitcoin’s supply.

HOWEVER, if Bitcoin becomes the GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY for ALL countries… then it should be more stable, because then there will be competition, and not a monopoly, over the Bitcoin’s income and outcome, and thus value.

This is actually the best result, in my opinion; that Bitcoin becomes the Official Global Reserve Currency. The OGRC…? 😂 Official Global Reserve Exchange… or OGRE. 👹 Lmao.

9:40 PM.

If Bitcoin became the world’s official reserve currency… that would be dope. Why? Because it actually does, numerically-speaking, have a static supply. This means that governments, corporations, individuals, nobody can create Bitcoins out of thin air (unlike dollars *cough*).

That’s why Bitcoin is such a great reserve currency. And other currencies, like the US dollar, the Chinese yen, the Russian ruble, and Ethereum (ETH), can be backed by the value of Bitcoin.

Just as a side note, I wanna acknowledge how awesome of a name Bitcoin is. Hats off to whoever came up with it. I mean, it is kind of an obvious choice, no doubt. But it’s so beautiful in its obviousness and simplicity. It’s a great name. There are some other cryptocurrencies with great names too, though. Tether, for example, is a great cryptocurrency name. (Although, I’m not sure whether or not Tether is as good an investment as it is a name…)

Returning to the anonymous Discord user’s posting, I’m gonna define a few terms he mentions, for you and for myself.

petrodollar : In America, the petrodollar is any US dollar paid to oil-exporting countries in exchange for oil. The dollar is the preeminent global currency. As a result, most international transactions, including oil, are priced in dollars. Oil-exporting nations receive dollars for their exports, not their own currency.

blockchain : A system in which a record of transactions, made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, are maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network.

smart contract : A computer program or a transaction protocol which is intended to automatically execute, control, or document legally, relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement. A self-executing contract, being directly written into lines of code. This code exists across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network.

I was going define unspent transaction outputs (UTXO) and account-based chains… but it turns out that they’re just super technical terms that aren’t super relevant to the average consumer… so I’ll just skip over those. You can research them on your own, if you’re interested.

11:21 PM.

Got distracted again. Starting to get pretty tired.

The Discord user says that Ethereum has a higher throughput than Bitcoin. This means that transactions can happen faster on Ethereum (I think, but please correct me if I’m wrong). I’ve heard that Ethereum might end up being a currency which is used more often, but uses Bitcoin as its reserve currency.

10 January 2021.

1:37 AM.

Yeah, I’m pretty tired now.

I just played some Magic the Gathering (MTG) for the first time in months. I actually streamed it on Twitch. It was quite fun, honestly. I might continue. I really love that game. It’s a great game.

I used to be a pretty competitive Magic player. For a brief time in 2019, I was ranked in the Top 400 players worldwide on Magic Arena.

5:44 AM.

I feel pretty distracted, in life, generally-speaking. Modern life demands my attention in too many directions at once. I’m glad to be moving to Oregon soon, into the wilderness, for awhile.

Focus is so important.

“There must be a better life…” he says, “somewhere… beyond.”

6:17 AM.

Part of me honestly thinks that the whole fictional universe thing is kind of dumb. But I think I might just be over-thinking it. I think I think? Yes.

But seriously, I feel like it could be dumb. But then part of me loves it, and wants to keep building it. I’m not sure how to feel about it.

Is there a way for me to continue working on it without feeling like it’s kinda dumb? Or is it just actually kind of dumb?

No, I don’t think it’s just dumb. I think I just haven’t put enough effort into it to make it seem like something that’s actually cool. Maybe it will just take more work.

Bear with me. I’ll figure it out. Someday.

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